Website owner as per German § 5 TMG:
c/o Claas Liegmann
Kolonnenstraße 19
10829 Berlin
Represented by:
Claas Liegmann & Elisabeth Liegmann
Telephone: +49 176 47 72 45 80
Amtsgericht Charlottenburg in Berlin
Registernummer: VR 34254 B
All pictures on this website underly the copyright of:
Claas Liegmann Fotografie
Technical support of the Website:
Tim Reeves · Internet Services, Waldheim
The content of this website has been vetted with care, however we can take no responsibility that all its information is correct or exact. We therefore accept no liability for circumstances arising directly or indirectly through use of this website, except where harmful intent or gross negligence are demonstrable.
As a service provider our liability is in general limited to our own content, and does not extend to third-party content which we have duplicated by permission or displayed via data transfer technology (e.g. RSS-Feed). We are not required to monitor such content or vet it or its origin for illegalities. We are however required to delete or block it if a third party demonstrates any illegality, and in such case will do so as quickly as possible.
Links to other websites
This website contains links to third-party websites, over whose content we have no influence. We are not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such websites. At the time we created the link we did check the target website and found nothing illegal; however, a subsequent regular vetting of all linked websites on our part is not economically reasonable. If any illegality on a linked website is demonstrated to us, we will remove that link as quickly as possible.
The mention of products or services other than our own is for informative purposes only, any product or brand names used are the property of their respective owners.