About Us
We currently specialise in financing deep wells and monitoring their construction. We help the local people by covering the costs for the construction of these deep wells. The wells are built at central locations in the village so that as many people as possible have access to them. Since 2016, we have already successfully financed and built several of these deep wells.
What exactly does promoting development cooperation actually mean? It means that, according to our statutes, we support measures in the field of basic health care, education and humanitarian aid in Bangladesh. Or to put it more simply: we want to enable people to live in dignity and support them with what we take for granted.
We believe in complete transparency, as we believe it can be the foundation for a more just society. That’s why we give everyone who wants full access to our books. This way you can see not only where every euro goes, but every cent! This kind of transparency also serves as a control over the distribution of our funds.
Since 2017, 100% of the donations go directly and without detours via the administration into concrete project work of the club. Thanks to the corresponding number of members, we can pay our running costs from the membership fees. This is a number we are very proud of! MADE IN BANGLADESH e.V. is also part of the Initiative for a Transparent Civil society. With a click on the logo you can make your own picture of our structures.

As you can see, development cooperation has more facets than many people think. Everyone is welcome to get involved according to his or her possibilities and abilities – dare to!
1. Chairperson
Claas Liegmann
After Claas returned from a photo reportage in Bangladesh in 2013, he could not let go of what he had experienced. He decided to give something back to the people and it should not be a one-time thing. So, together with friends, he founded the non-profit club in the summer of 2015. This was the basis for giving something back and taking responsibility in a lasting and sustainable way. Today he leads the organization as chairman of the board.
2. Chairperson
Elisabeth Liegmann
Elisabeth is a freelance midwife with a lot of heart and empathy. She was immediately enthusiastic about the idea of a non-profit club and became a founding member. Elisabeth takes over organizational tasks within the club and has also been on site in Bangladesh herself. Her main focus is on health and medical care in Bangladesh.